Participant Reimbursement 430-05-40-55-35
(Revised 01/01/04 ML2893)
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BEST Program mandatory and voluntary participants are reimbursed as follows:
Flat rate of five dollars per day for transportation and other costs directly related to participation in BEST, up to a maximum of $25 per month.
A maximum of $200 per dependent per month for each child under two, and $175 per month for each other dependent.
Reimbursements are excluded as income.
Reimbursements will be made by the State Office in TECS directly to participating individuals during the month following participation. For dependent care reimbursement SFN 132 - Best Dependent Care Reimbursement must be sent to the State Office by the worker certifying the client as eligible for the dependent care reimbursement.
If participation in a BEST component would result in dependent care expenses in excess of the dependent care reimbursement amount, the individual is deferred from participation in BEST.